Have you been to University Avenue? I have. Its trees are leaf-less and leave-less, without a dab of seemliness, and there I wore bottlecaps as a wardrobe for thirty days without response. Such things indicate: 1) Leaves are for collecting. 2) Rigor mortis is fatal! 3) I would go out tonight, but I haven’t got a stitch to wear.

7 Responses to “About.”

  1. cole Says:

    Dude… I hear ya on the candor. Yea, sometimes its a bitch. But usually, its good and feels even better.

    Bottle caps? I like bottle caps. Especially the rusty flattened in the road kind.

  2. Roger Mugs Says:

    my wife is from texas… where are you in texas? and where can i find a link to the kazoo website? (do you have one?) just curious what kind of magazine it is.

  3. Shiny Things Says:

    Thanks for reading me and leaving a comment – nice to have a face to put on the statistical anonymous footprints 🙂

    I’m not FROM Texas, but lived there long enough to claim Texan status. LOVED it, would live there again if I could duplicate the sweet deal that supported it.

    I love your way of writing ~ I will definitely be back to read more!

  4. heather Says:

    mollie! i have enjoyed your readership so much.

    i have the ill-fated philosophy degree, too. i share your pain.

    adding you to my blogroll.

  5. Paul Says:

    Hello again. Your writing continues to amaze and enthral me despite its frequent darkness. I too have the illfated philosophy degree worthless piece of paper yellowing in a cupboard somewhere. Poetry is a far more accurate description of the world than philosophy, don’t you think. Hello,

  6. AlexM Says:

    Your blog is interesting!

    Keep up the good work!

  7. Jeremy Says:

    Hay, saw you at Bryan’s party. Still looking for a job?
    I know must be bad because the economy is in the death spiral. But on a Happy note you should check out. The websites below for a copy writing job.
    and of course craigslist but be careful on there.

    p.s. you should come to Bryan’s parties in October. Have a good week.

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